About Us

Diane Ing, owner of the Toronto barrier-free home company

Established in 2005, DesignINGenuity is directed by interior designer Diane Ing.

Many people face a dilemma as they age. While they are healthy enough to live on their own, their house creates physical challenges. Doorways are not wide enough to accommodate walkers, grab bars are missing from bathrooms and countertops are not at the appropriate level for wheelchairs. By 2011, the oldest of 10 million Baby Boomers will be in their early 60s. Many of these Boomers have already downsized to condos or smaller houses; homes not designed for wheelchairs or walkers.

Diane understands how important it is to her clients to live safely and independently in the home they love. She works closely with her clients to retrofit their home so they may remain close to family and friends. If you or someone you care about could benefit from these services, please contact us for a professional consultation.